Keep Trusting God

Faith through the Mixed Bag of Life

Gloria Nelson

1/28/20253 min read

closeup photography of brown cover
closeup photography of brown cover

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28 (ESV)

Stepping into a new year means stepping out into the unknown. We can’t yet see the twists and turns that lay ahead. We look forward to the joys, while praying to avoid the things that would challenge our happiness. The good news about challenges, though, is that they bring us to a place of searching. We search for answers and understanding. For believers, this means that we turn to God. It’s at these times we realize that we don’t have what we need within ourselves. We aren’t in control of our circumstances or other people. As we turn to God, we find that He lifts us up and carries us through with the weight on His shoulders.

Our understanding of life’s circumstances is as limited as an infant getting his heel pricked hours after birth. We can’t possibly understand why God allows us to suffer. When all is well, it’s easy for us to praise God. But, when things take a sudden downturn, we are often left disillusioned and feeling like God has left us. If in the past year you experienced job loss, death of a loved one, felt more loneliness than you ever want to live through again, suffered a painful betrayal, or lived through any other manner of loss, you may have been happy to close the door on 2024. Regardless of the year you’ve had, 2025 is here and moving us ahead.

The reality is, for most of us, each year is a mixed bag. Things are going great, and then, they’re not. Growing up, I loved going into the cute resort town of Nisswa, Minnesota. At the center of Main Street was a shop called “Totem Pole.” Was it a tourist trap? Sure. But, as a kid growing up in the 70’s, I was “digging it”! Within its walls was a basket filled with brown bags stapled shut, so as not to reveal the treasures (I say that loosely) inside. Bless Mom and Dad for allowing me to unknowingly purchase all the junk the store couldn’t move!

Sometimes, I got something I liked. Other times, the contents were a disappointment. But, I still kept coming back with a hopeful spirit and a curious mind. I would feel each bag, trying to guess what was inside before making my best professional selection. In that same way, we get to approach each year with a hopeful spirit, and a curious mind, looking for ways we can honor God in all our circumstances.

I don’t know what this new year will bring you, but I can say with confidence that God will be there with you. Open each day acknowledging His presence and choosing to trust that, in the end, all your circumstances will work out for your good and God’s glory. Remember that some things are realized in our lifetime, while other things will come to fruition only after we’ve gone on to Heaven. Let the mixed bag of your life be used to grow your character, denying the enemy any chance of getting you to fall back from the good work God is doing in your life. Don’t give up. And don’t give in. God will richly reward your faithfulness and uphold you in the process.

As we keep trusting, meditating on the Word, and turning to God in daily prayer, we are being prepared for eternity. We are storing up our riches there. The things of this world will crumble and burn while our faith, obedience, and kindness will outlive our earthly bodies. Whatever we give God, He will continue to use. He will multiply it until the end of time. So, stand against discouragement. Be encouraged that if our hope remains in Jesus, He will use what we give Him to move mountains and transform lives, including our own. Trust in His purposes. The true things will last for all of eternity.

Keep looking up! It’s where our hope is found.

Gloria Nelson

Teaching & Training Consultant

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"Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story..."
Psalm 107:2